
I know you can't really see her face... but I still love them. My flash (as you could imagine) was washing out the color.

My Husband has some talent... =)

The B&B

Nooot really sure how to work the thing yet. It wouldn't move for us...
The courtyard of the building.
Annnd again here, James carrying our mineral water.
The view from our room... that's the building they had the fresh market in! I could not, however get a clear view... so we are stuck with a blurry corner. =(
Another view from the room.

Kittens rock... too bad my husband kills them.

As promised...

My parents are so cute!
The Newlyweds!
Mother of the Bride.
During the surprise concert... =)


Surprise! We showed up at your wedding!

Forgive me... they really are just snapshots! And I made them small. I'll post some better ones later! =)

The Indy State Fair

Tell me... how 80's does this photo look?

Sharing and feeding the mother. =)
Watching the dog show on dad's shoulders.
The "You do NOT have candy" look.

Just a fun shot.

Who can resist a cute baby?

Even Indy has some beauty. =)

Can you tell I am dreaming of cooler weather? No more humidity please!

The world's a stage.

More costumes from Gen Con! =)

I know she has redeye in this picture... but somehow, it just seemed fitting.

And a motorcycle.

Sickness and Gen Con

So I've been a slacker because I had some kind of plague (cold) for a week. But I am back now! =) I went to Gen Con this past weekend and have some costume pictures to share... two today, more tomorrow!

These are the before and after pictures of her costume. She had wires attached that, when she pulled them, would spread her wings. If you look closely, it is mostly made of plastic... the kind they use to make glasses. With exception of the unitard and wig, she made this completely by herself. And it took (I think they said) about a year to complete.

A few of my favorite things...

My very first attempt...

At converting to infrared.

The things we leave behind.

I've found recently, that I have a fascination with abandoned buildings and sturctures. Man made things that have been forgotten, overlooked, and left behind. I wonder about their story. I wonder what happend to make people leave?